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Streamer Adin Ross Teases Mega Interview: Kim Jong Un on Live Stream?


September 20, 2023


  • American streamer Adin Ross hints at interviewing North Korea's Kim Jong Un.
  • Eddie Craven of Kick and Stake suggests Ross might need CIA escort for such an event.
  • Mixed fan reactions: genuine intrigue meets staunch skepticism.

The virtual world often blurs the lines between fantasy and reality. Here's a puzzler for you: American streamer Adin Ross, who also co-owns Kick, is teasing a rather audacious plan. He hints at hosting none other than the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, for a live streaming session. Now that's a hard pill to swallow!

But wait, there's more. When Adin tossed this bombshell during a live session, he was in conversation with Eddie Craven, the brain behind Kick and Stake. Eddie, for his part, played along, suggesting that if such a fantastical interview were to materialize, Adin might just need the CIA on speed dial. Why, you ask? Well, given the sensitivity of such a meet, maximum security would be paramount.

Reactions? Mixed, to say the least. While a good chunk of fans remain skeptical, raising eyebrows and questioning the legitimacy of this claim, others are genuinely intrigued about how Adin could potentially pull this off. After all, getting a North Korean leader on a live stream isn't your everyday news! Eddie, during this electrifying chat, chimed in, saying, "Imagine live streaming from North Korea, showcasing their world. Crazy, but maybe possible!" To which Adin passionately responded, suggesting he might just be the key to world peace.

Yet, as with most things on the internet, skepticism abounds. The audience is divided between those who think this is a mere publicity stunt and those who believe it's the real deal. Amidst this chatter, it's crucial to remember that U.S. citizens need special permissions to set foot in North Korea, as mentioned by the US Department of State. So, is this all just a fantastical tale, or are we on the brink of witnessing a real-life rendition of the movie 'The Interview'? Only time will tell.

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